2019年結成。Gt.Vo.riho、Dr.ikumiの2ピース・ガールズバンド。80から90年代USインディーズ、UKロックに影響を受けたlo-fiなサウンドが特徴。結成直後に自主制作したCD-Rは完売し、2019年9月には「Sun Flower」をカセットとZINEの形で販売。2020年12月1st Full Albu「21」をリリース。2023年7月26日には2nd Albumをリリース。
periwinkle is a Japanese alternative female duo formed in 2019, the band consists of Riho (Vo/Gt) and Ikumi (Dr). They are from Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The sound is an original sound influenced by the US indie and UK rock of the 80's and 90's with a lo-fi taste. Released the first self-produced CD and sold out immediately, released the 2nd single "Sun Flower" on ZINE and cassette tape. Their products are also known for their design. Debut album “21” was released in December 2020. On July 26, 2023, the second album "A Day In The Life" was released.